shop i love // alla prima lingerie
october, 2021want the fastest way to lose a cool 5-10 pounds without ever breaking a sweat? here’s a pro tip that’s changed the lives of many ladies i work with, mine included. the easiest way to make your clothes look instantly better is to have the right undergarments on underneath, for every occasion. sometimes i’ve noticed, we tend to cut corners when it comes to bras and panties. they’re underneath, right? yes, we have those special ones for hot date nights but do we also have them for everyday wear? if you’re going to splurge on one thing in your closet, this is absolutely my #1 secret weapon. alla prima lingerie in hayes valley is hands down one of the best intimates shops in the country and you’ll walk out of there floating on cloud 9, every single time. since 1998, these expert ladies have been assisting women in finding the perfect fits for whatever the need.

i’ll never forget my first big splurge there. it was just like the scene out of a ‘sex and the city’ episode. you remember... miranda has to buy a bra for her mama’s funeral and she ended up breaking down in the changing room of a department store. well, yep. that happened to me. not exactly in the same way but it was pretty damn close. soon after my own mother left this realm, i was walking around like a chicken with my head cut off. i felt so lost, like i had so many things that i never asked her, so much that i now never could. i walked into alla prima looking for some simple, good old-fashioned retail therapy. but when i walked out, i learned that i’d been wearing the wrong size bra for my whole life and i felt like a completely different person. i wore my new bra out of that shop and i swear that i carried myself different. it was the craziest feeling ever! i was walking around like a 34-c since god knows forever only to discover that i really was a 32-d. the sad irony is that the one person that i wanted to share it with wasn’t with me anymore. i had a new lease on life and i never looked back. and i’m not exaggerating here.

if you’re looking for a super hands-on approach to finding the perfect intimates, this is definitely the ace in your back pocket. the right bra will make EVERYTHING better. i’ve recommended this shop to SO many women and all of them have had the exact same sentiment. it is life-changing! be prepared to put down some cash but i promise, it will be worth it. you wear a bra everyday, pretty much, no? so spending here is a really wise investment in your wardrobe and yourself. alla prima carries the finest lines from paris and around the world, and a great selection of cozy wear and nighties, too. my personal favorites are bordelle, la fille d’o, and woldford but there are so many great ones to chose from. they have extended sizes to fit any figure and the expertise and attention they give to their customers is worth its weight in gold.
so if you head that way, be sure to let them know that i sent you. they’ll give you some extra special love, they always do!
black and sheer is kinda my thing... what’s yours?