the ONE!
february, 2022
2/22/22. one day to rule them all! and a fortuitous sextuplet (the only in this lifetime) to share a very special message.
documentation of an anecdote from a closet that i recently had the pleasure of working in.
one of those beautiful, old san francisco flats in a very historic neighborhood with views of the bay. a warm-hearted woman living there for 30 years, single, and utilizing every inch of the space to its fullest. her closets were impeccably organized. i almost didn’t know why i was called there. the clothes, while mostly vintage, were maintained with dedication and care. the purpose? as it was first relayed to me... “the world is opening up again and i want new and inspired outfits to wear daily. i have a closet full of clothes but little to wear.”
when i first approach a closet like this, my initial plan is always to organize it in a way that allows my client to see everything that she owns. making fresh, inspired outfits has a lot to do with being able to see what’s in there. so i set about it... one closet after the next, filled to the brim, organizing each by category and color, in the way that i know how. tanks to muscle tees, short-sleeves to long-sleeves, and so on. making cuts from a closet like this was difficult for me. it’s easier to discard items when there are signs of obvious wear, when they clearly don’t fit or just look dated and out-of-style. but in this case, the choices that she had made over the years were generally very good ones. these items weren’t expensive but they were simple and well-made and though many were older, they looked good as new. there were categories in every color of the rainbow, every shade of orange, red, blue, and green. i set about to thin out some of the options but i wasn’t doing a very good job of it. so while i tried my best to make cuts from her closet, i had a very difficult time doing so.

half full closet
it wasn’t until our second session that the true intent of her purpose was revealed to me and it was a game-changer! sometimes it takes time to earn the trust of a woman in her closet and desires of the heart aren’t always easily shared. once she spoke the words of what she really wanted, we could create an intention together that gave real purpose for our work together.
“i want to make space in my
closet for a partner. i am ready to call in the one!”
now this was something that truly resonated with me and i felt so grateful for her authenticity. i had also been slowly, without even realizing it, making space for something new in my life. the truth is that vibration surrounds us, and if our closets, homes, and lives are stuffed to the brim, that energy will also project out into the world that we live in. with this new-found motivation, i set about cutting her closet ruthlessly. before we knew it, there were stacks of jackets for the donation pile, a closet once stuffed to the brim was now just about half full. her extensive scarf collection was carved away, tops and blouses were edited, and the items that remained sparked joy and represented the woman that she is manifesting today.
the best way to call in a new you (and perhaps a new love in your life) is to make space for it. so, if editing your closet will give you any motivation, may it be this. make space in your closet, maybe empty a drawer or two, and clear space in your home. thin out the items that might remind you of a past life and past loves. begin again new with only what brings you joy and watch how so much will arrive, just waiting to manifest for you. when there is little room for new energy in our lives, there is no space to call it in. lightening up the load mentally, physically and spiritually is the easiest way to draw a fresh vibration to you.
happy editing!