oh january. the month when it all comes together. it’s impossible to not think back on all that you did and did NOT accomplish in a year. everything you’ve learned, when you felt the flow... sum it all up. did you achieve the goals that you set for yourself? uggghhh!!! and so you begin again, propelled by a blank slate and a new year. 2020 definitely has a nice ring to it! right?
on december 31st, 2018, i finally ‘closed’ my store. and my new business is to show clients how to style their own closets, to shop strategically, consciously... and to let go of all the old shit. the extra weight, the past associations, to start a new aspirational style for today and the future. to shop less and wear more of what we own and to shop locally and intentionally so that it would literally bring abundance to everyone in the city that we live in. mindfulness in all things. and also, really recognizing the impact of all of our routines on this city and the earth.
and i shopped online. and i online shopped. and i chased after ups, cursed fedex, lost packages, scheduled packages, unpacked LOTS of boxes, lived in RETURNS HELL, caused even more congestion in the city, mucked up my process with a ‘convenience’ that actually harms on so many levels, more than i’d ever even thought about. I HAD TO CLOSE MY SHOP BECAUSE OF IT! i’d strayed that far!! i needed to have a cleanse and stand back to really face myself.
a wonderful exercise i learned in the most valuable business class i took with nina kaufman is that you have to define your core values both personally and with your work. and if they’re not in alignment, your work will never be truly fulfilling for you.
so i got out, scouted my hood and pretty much everywhere else, started walking and shopping all over. yes even the majors downtown, (barney’s RIP), discovering things that i had no idea even existed. i was reminded about the absolute goddamn beauty of this city and all the creative businesses and people that are in it. this city is understandably mysticized all over the world and i started to feel a bit more a part of that community. and i realized that i needed to nurture it if both of us are to thrive and not fester. and now i swear i’m saving time and a lot less stress and feel better about my footprint in this town. i’m not saying i won’t online shop. i have to to find the selection that i need sometimes but i’m shooting for a 70% in-store to 30% online goal. and it’s all been a good reminder for me. it’s good to come back together and realign myself to why i had to close my shop in the beginning and what my goals are for the future.
this year already has a really good vibe to it. my lucky numbers even.
so with that, happy new year...wishing you the very best!
i have a feeling we’re all gonna get a big dose of that crystal clear vision.